motoare electrice, motoare, pompe, reductoare, convertizoare de frecventa, convertizor de frecventa, soft startere (demaroare), motoare de inalta tensiune, motoare speciale, motoare cu frana, motoare cu rotor bobinat, reostate cu lichid pentru motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de medie tensiune, motoare de curent continuu, motoare cu rotor in scurtcircuit, motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de joasa tensiune, motoare cu flansa de prindere, convertizoare de frecventa, schimbatoare de frecventa, baze pentru motoare, pulie, rulmenti
Another big project was received and completed within one week! Our on board service crew extracted a Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd. generator from the vessel where it was installed, repaired it in our factory in Athens, and will deliver and re-install while the vessel will be sailing overseas!
In Valiadis Hellenic Motors SA factory, RINA (The Royal Institution of Naval Architects) inspected and verified the works.