motoare electrice, motoare, pompe, reductoare, convertizoare de frecventa, convertizor de frecventa, soft startere (demaroare), motoare de inalta tensiune, motoare speciale, motoare cu frana, motoare cu rotor bobinat, reostate cu lichid pentru motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de medie tensiune, motoare de curent continuu, motoare cu rotor in scurtcircuit, motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de joasa tensiune, motoare cu flansa de prindere, convertizoare de frecventa, schimbatoare de frecventa, baze pentru motoare, pulie, rulmenti
Our company just delivered an inverter type SD7099055, for driving a bow thruster motor 552kW, 1475Rpm. The original motor was a slip ring machine and because of a failure of the rotor panel, the motor rotor was short-circuited and using our inverter the motor is now starting through a new panel including a floated earth inverter. Starting is much more smooth than before and maintenance of the motor much easier! .